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Student Handbook, Resources, & Programmatic Reports

As a member of the Drake family, a certain standard of behavior is expected. You have a responsibility to contribute to the Drake community and help preserve a safe, welcoming, and positive environment.

All students are expected to read and understand the Student Handbook, which lays out these behavior expectations. Should act in a way that is not in accordance with this code, the Dean of Students Office will facilitate the appropriate disciplinary actions.

While we hope your time at Drake is largely positive, we are here to provide support should you encounter challenges or obstacles.  Please contact the Dean of Students if you need assistance with student life issues. 

Anonymous Complaints 

Drake University is committed to fair and ethical principles, practices and conduct in all business and academic relationships. The University’s trustees, officers, faculty and staff are expected to model the highest standards of ethical behavior and stewardship. To facilitate and protect this commitment, the University has contracted with EthicsPoint to manage a confidential hotline which provides an anonymous way to report situations that may represent financial misconduct or violations of local, state or federal law or University policies. 

Programmatic Reports

The programmatic reports provide an overview of the types of resources, co-curricular programs, and initiatives that are offered to students throughout the year. The offices that are highlighted in these reports are the Adams Leadership Institute, Community Standards, Counseling Center, Dean of Students, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Prevention Programs, Recreational Services, Residence Life, and Student Life.

Fall Semester 2023 Mid Year Report

Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 Report


University Calendar 
University News
February 28, 2025